Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is the origin and meaning of Valentine's Day?

In A.D. 270 the mad emperor Claudius II decided that married men made poor soldiers because they did not want to leave their families to go to war.  Because the Roman Empire needed soldiers, he issued a proclamation forbidding marriage.  As a result, lovers secretly went to Valentine, a Christian bishop, who would marry them.  When Claudius heard of this, he brought the bishop before him and attempted to convert him to Roman paganism.  Valentine, in turn, unwisely tried to convert Claudius to Christianity and was sentenced to death for his impudence.
While in prison, Valentine fell in love with the bind daughter of the jailer.  He left her a farewell love not and signed it "Your Valentine."  He was executed on February 14.  Some years later the Catholic Church proclaimed him a saint.  Thus we celebrate Saint Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, on February 14 and dedicate the day to lovers.

In the ancient Roman Empire, February 14 was a holiday to honor Juno, the Queen of Roman gods and goddesses.  This was also the eve of the feast of Lupercalia when the names of Roman maidens were written on slips of paper and dropped into jars.  Each young man would draw a girl's name from a jar and the two would be partners for the festival, and often for an entire year.

The Christian Church felt this was an obscene custom and later replaced the feast of Lupercalia with Saint Valentine's Day.  Either way, the day is a symbol of love and of lovers choosing one another.

Wow!  I have never heard any of this.  I found this explanation in a book by Bill McLain, Do Fish Drink Water?

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