Saturday, February 18, 2012

Everyday Items Can Help Get You Organized

Have you noticed how expensive plastic organizers and totes are getting.  What's the deal?  Is there a shortage of plastic?  I have some other ideas to make use of some items you probably have around the house.  If not, I bet a thrift store near you has just what you need at a bargin price.

  1. Egg cartons will work for storing golf balls.
  2. A 3 tiered wire basket normally used for holding fruits and veggies in the kitchen could be put to good use in a closet for socks, belts, underwear, hats, gloves, scarves.
  3. Fishing tackle boxes are great storage for jewelry.  Organizing craft supplies comes to mind too.  Art students and makeup artists have relied on them for years.
  4. Don't want to forget a tried and true favorite, the icetray.  They'll keep really small items sorted and ready for use like screws, bolts, paperclips, tacks, pins, change.sette tape cases are ideal for keeping headphone cords safe and tangle free.
  5. Cassette tape cases are ideal for keeping headphone cords safe and tangle-free.

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