Monday, January 02, 2012

Help! My Inheritance Came Packed With Piles Of Junk

The old house is in need of repair and every room is packed with a lot of junk.  The house is in a great location.  It's at least 100 years old and will look great once repaired and remodeled.  The first thing that will have to be done before the estimates on repairs, junk removal.

I like digging through junk because you just never know what kind of treasures you're going to find.  But, hauling away the "trash" part of the pile, is a different story.  A lot of time and work is involved.  Time is in short supply lately and I like to get paid to work that hard.  I'll have to find some people to help.  They'll want to be paid.  I'll need a truck (maybe rent one) to take stuff to the dump.  That will be another fee.  There will also be added fees to get rid of TVs or computers. 

After thinking about it, realizing how much time, stress and money will be involved to do it myself, I realized it would be a much better idea to hire an expert.  Their trucks are everywhere.  I've heard that they do a really good job. I know they will be someone I can trust to do a good job.  I'm sure I will get my money's worth.  1-800-Got-Junk.  Need I say more.

I put my request in on their website for an estimate.  They're going to call ahead to let me know when they are on their way. These guys will take it all for a pre-estimated price.  Plus, leave the area clean.  They take everything; mattresses, TVs, furniture, appliances...  Click here to see a list.

On the website is a cool app called, Junk Genie.  The Junk Genie can read your mind and guess what number you are thinking.  I tried it several times and it was correct 100% of the time.  Really bizarre!  Sort of fun, check it out.

A friend of mine told me a couple of years ago, "If you are ever faced with this, you'll want to give them a call.  Everything will be taken care of for you with professionalism." 

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