Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Books Need Love Too... READ ON!

*WARNING Viewer discretion is advised.  Some of the content toward the end of this post might not be suitable for all ages.  Graphic details of real life emergencies might be hard for some people to read about.  Please be advised to use caution when viewing.  This is not a test.  
      Everybody loves a good book. But not everybody loves to clean a good book.  But it is a task that should be done at least annually, so they say.  In case you decide this is a task you just might tackle.  I've got some insider tips to help with this endeavor.  These tips will help take the guesswork out of the housework.  You in?  Great, let's get down to it.

     First of all, about those rare, antique books.  You really should consult a professional about caring for them.  The reasons are obvious.  Better safe than sorry, right!?  Good.

     And secondly, an ordinary cloth or feather duster won't do the job.  These tools will only succeed in spreading the dust around.  When you are ready we will start by removing each book from the shelf and wiping each one individually as follows:
  • A magnetic cleaning cloth that attracts and holds dust is the best choice.

  • An art-gum eraser for the removal of marks and dirt from cloth-covered books. 

  • Clean leather bindings with a leather-cleaning solution and restorer.

  • Wipe plastic or imitation leather bindings with a cloth that's only very slightly damp.

  • When putting books back on the shelf, make sure to leave space behind them so air can circulate. This will help prevent that musty odor we all know too well.  This will possibly prevent mildew from developing, too.
  • Vacuuming a room where books are kept should be done regularly to keep dust from accumulating on them.
  • If you don't have the time or energy to clean the actual shelves, vacuum the front of the shelves with the crevice tool.  And don't forget to vacuum the floors around the shelf regularly.  That's very important.

    Following are transcripts from phone calls of real life book emergencies..............

"911 What's your emergency?"
               "My books have fallen and I can't pick them up!"( kidding!)
               "It's my book!  Some of the pages are completely soaked and some are just damp.  Is there
               anything I can do to save them?!  Please hurry!"
"Calm down.  I won't hang up until I finish telling you what to do.  It will be OK."
"Turn your oven to the lowest setting. Place toilet paper between each page.  Open it and lay the book flat with a light, weight placed on top.  Did you get all of that?"
               "That is going to take some time.  But I will do it...for my book."
"You can do it.  Your book is lucky to have a reader like you."

 "911 What's your emergency?"
               "Oh my God! Oh my God!  Bugs, and lot's of them!"
"Mam, what bugs?  Where are the bugs, mam?"
               "My book!  Oh my God!  They are living in my book!  Tell me what to do please!"
"You're going to have to calm down, mam.  Your book needs you.  Are you calm now?"
               "Yes, I'm calm.  I will do what ever you say.  I'm ready."
"Place the book in a plastic bag and leave the bag in the freezer for a couple of days."
               "Won't that hurt my book?  My book won't freeze or anything, right?"
"Your book will be just fine but those bugs won't be.  And mam, to keep those bugs away in the future,  place bags of cloves or bay leaves on the shelf behind them.  If you do that, no more bugs."

"911 What's your emergency?"
               "I have been neglecting my book for a while.  And today when I finally had time to pay attention to my book...there's mildew on it.  Should I just throw it away?  It's all my fault.  I didn't mean to neglect my book.  I've just been really busy lately!"

"These things happen.  Let's save your book together.  Would you like to do that?"
"Yes, yes I really would.  I promise to never neglect my book again!"

"OK.  First thing I am going to need you to do is get a baby wipe or a damp cloth dipped in white vinegar.  Have you got one of those?  Stay on the line.  Are you still there caller?"
"I'm here, I went to get a baby wipe.  I'm here now."

"Or you could just vacuum the mildew off.  Then you will set the book in direct sunlight for no more than 30 minutes.  Any longer than 30 minutes and the pages will start to yellow.  That's something we can't fix.  You don't want yellow pages do you? You are going to have to pay attention to that book."
"I will, I promise!  Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Don't have to thank me.  It's my job.  Do it everyday."

I hope you and your books never have to deal with emergencies like these.  But if you do, you'll know how to handle it.

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