Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Best Way To Adjust Your Thermostat To Save On Heating Cost

We've always been told to turn down the thermostat at night to save money on fuel cost.  But the details on how much have not been clear, until now.  I've found the best answer and I'm sharing it with you.

The temperature you use, like the company you keep, is a matter of personal preference and need.  The lower the temperature, the less heat needed, and the less fuel burned.  Heating costs increase by about three per cent for every degree above 70. 

About 10 to 15 percent can be saved on fuel consumption overnight by setting your heating thermostat down at bedtime, and turning it up again the next morning.  However, to make savings in this manner, you must keep the following factors in mind as guidance.

Set the thermostat down about 6 or 7 degrees below its daytime setting, but no more.  For example, set it no lower than 65 degrees at night if your daytime setting is 72 degrees.  A greater reduction of heating does little good, because the heater then has to work overtime the next morning, and burn extra fuel to heat the house up again.

Don't bother with thermostat setback on cold nights, because little or no savings will result then.  The savings are greatest when the outdoor temperature drops to about 30 degrees at night.  Savings are less when it goes down to 15 degrees outside, and there is no fuel conserved at 0 degrees or colder.  The colder the night, the more fuel required the next morning to reheat the house; this offsets any savings on fuel overnight. 

To make any savings at all, your house must be well insulated.  The better it's insulated, the greater the night savings.  Insulation conserves the heat you start off with in the house when the thermostat is first turned down.

And there you have it.  No dramatic adjustments are required.  As a matter of fact can cost more if you go overboard on the adjustment.  This, I can handle.

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