Letter/Number Associations
A, J, S = 1 B,K,T = 2 C, L,U = 3 D, M, V = 4 E, N, W = 5
F, O, X = 6 G, P, Y = 7 H, Q, Z = 8 I, R = 9
Number/Color Associations
1 yellow
2 cream/white
3 blue
4 brown
5 yellow/orange
6 green, pink
7 navy
8 black, red
9 white, black
(contains all the colors in the spectrum)
What's Magical About A Birthday?
It's not the presents or the cake or the friends wishing you well. The magical part of your birthday is that it represents the union of heaven and earth. The day spirit descended into matter and got the whole karmic wheel of fortune spinning again. Ego and Spirit once again begin to compete for attention. The race is on. How long will it take you this time? The starting gate is the day you were born. Your birthday number is your personal life purpose and your sun sign is the strategy you have chosen to accomplish it. For now we are going to focus on your birthday number.
Determine the number of the day you were born by taking the single digit of your birthday, or if there are two digits, adding them together. For example: 21 = 3 or 29 = 11 = 2. Zero always adds intensity.
After the description of your birthday number , you will find brief passages explaining how the energy of the number may be expressed when either Ego or Spirit dominates your personality. Neither situation is ideal; both, when they act independently, impede your life journey.
Spirit tends to ignore the mundane world; it denies Ego. If Spirit rules to the exclusion of Ego, your soul is left unprotected and your body weakens. Others take precedence and before long, you have forgotten who you are and where you should be.
If Ego ignores the needs of Spirit, your world is small and selfish. You want instant gratification; consequences are unimportant. Power and control are at the forefront of your world. Separateness, loneliness, and greed are your companions. Obstacles seem insurmountable.
However, when Spirit and Ego are balanced, life is harmonious. You discover your true identity, keep to your true path, are able to help and inspire others.
One/Sun (1, 10, 19, 28) Leo/Yang/Masculine
PURPOSE: To take the best that you are and present these qualities to the world in a form of talent, creation, and principles, so that you can receive recognition for your efforts. The courage you use to risk and expose yourself in the face of tough competition gains you your place at the center of your world, the kingdom you have created.
Ones, like the sun, ruler of LEO, know how to shine,even when clouds block their view. Eternal optimists, they believe in themselves and their confidence is contagious. Hardworking, persistent, and unyielding, their ego is strong and so is their desire for freedom. Ones, love a challenge: difficult people and projects get their attention. They need resistance to test themselves, and a good dose of discipline is welcome, too. Authority issues are a source of problems, so don't try to tell them what to do. This attitude is what makes their childhood often very difficult. They meet their own unyielding selves and learn through experience the unjustness and limitations of an unbending will. Their hearts are big and filled with love, and yes, love affairs can easily lead them astray. They give the best parties because they love people and having a good time. Whether on stage captivating an audience or the center of attention at the local pub, they know how to make themselves important. They need to be first and the best. Adoration is never taken for granted, though. It must be earned, and toward that endeavor they will use every tool they have, including persistence, charisma, and patience. If you're a One who sits on the sidelines and shies away from a challenge, then your mission is to risk yourself. You're not going to feel really alive until you take your place in the world. One's duality is expressed by their need for privacy. They have a shadow side, a place where parts of themselves are hidden from the public eye. Ones share their whole truth with only a few trusted souls. Their fear is losing their identity in an intimate relationship. Ones are not complicated. They will give you everything, but first you must give them what they need which is respect and attention.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: Ones in whom Spirit reigns seek high purposes and lofty causes. Their principles are strong. They don't give an inch where truth and justice are concerned. Their tendency is to lose themselves in a grand cause. In fact, they might not have a life except through that cause The opposition they encounter is there to teach them to trust and have faith in something higher and greater than themselves. If they refuse to bend, their load will become so great it can break their spirit and their will. Truths and principles are not rigid but ideas that can be applied and molded to a situation. When the essence of their truth is understood, they learn that living their beliefs is far more effective than fighting for them. Yes, they should keep their indomitable will strong, but learn to let the power of the universe help them. This way, they won't wear out before they accomplish their dream.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: Without a touch of Spirit, life for the One is tough. Somewhere along their path they encounter hard, inflexible opposition to whatever they desire. Others, particularly authority figures, hold them back. Since trust is out of the question, they feel isolated because they can only rely on themselves. They encounter strong, powerful, authority figures who try and force them to surrender to their will. When Ego pretends to be spiritual it acts superior, it gives to others and charities, but has its own advancement in mind, not the needs of others. Without true Spirit the One can be ruthless. Success is their only goal, and control is how they plan to get there. Without a conscience, there is little they won't do for this success. Their greed and selfishness if often masked by an incredible magnetism and charm, which gets them past many a closed door and fools the soul who is anxious to believe that they are acting for a higher purpose.
Two/Moon (2, 11, 20, 29) Cancer/Yin/Feminine
PURPOSE: To accept all your emotions - love, self-indulgence, pain, and joy - and then to rise above them by sharing them with another, ending isolation, activating healing, and creating a family that is bonded through feelings.
Two is duality. Twos fluctuate with the rhythm of the moon, the ruler of CANCER. With their ability to intuit a situation, Twos know what's going on above as well as under the table. Don't be fooled by their ultra sensitive nature, their mood swings, or their emotional tirades. They've had your number long before you learned their name. Needing to withdraw in order to protect themselves, they live with fears most of us have never contemplated. Shy, critical, and even unsociable, you only enter their lives through trust. If they like you, all your faults are forgiven; if they don't, you'll be lucky to get a return phone call. Twos have no time for superficial relationships, unless those relationships provide a touch of the unusual. You see, they're attracted to the strange and the extreme. It's an outlet for their overwhelming emotions. More positive creative outlets are necessary, or they will always be worrying or complaining about illness, even when there's nothing wrong. Because they tend toward obsessive behavior, their nature offers only two choices: to indulge or deny their strong desires. Twos can be self-absorbed or act childishly when they don't get their way. The challenge for Twos is to rise above their own needs and reach out to others. Spirit is the key here. When they have it, their feelings of isolation vanish. Women play an important role in the life of all Twos. After all, it's the mother who puts aside her own needs to protect her offspring. Hiding behind a veil of mystery, Twos are endowed with warmth and charm. They make great companions and committed partners because they are kind, gentle, and loyal.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: When Spirit lead the Two energy, intuition, and sensitivity are at an all-time high. In fact, this is a problem. They overreact to everything because they feel things so deeply. Their sensitivity makes them psychic, open to visions and to fears. It can cause them to lose themselves in the emotional life of another person. If that person is filled with pain and suffering, they will be, too. Panic and fear of separateness can also keep them from their path. Their desire to heal others can lead them to a service position, or turn them into a doormat. If they really want to help others, first they need to reclaim their own emotions. Everyone learns best through positive example.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: With Ego at the helm, Twos are selfish, isolated, and consumed with feelings of hurt. Their revenge list is long, and they glance at it at least once a day. Either they feel persecuted by someone or they're doing the persecuting. Neither is healthy. They look for ways to be different and then wonder why they don't fit in. Their life is dramatic and filled with crisis. Their world is populated with people who are selfish and can't be trusted. The truth is painful. They must look to themselves to end their pain and isolation. They need faith in something more than themselves to become unstuck from the past and see a new perspective. Once they get off their wounds, come out of their hole and use the insight from their pain to help someone else, they discover that the world can be a wonderful place.
Three/Jupiter (3, 12, 21, 30) Sagittarius/Yang/Masculine
PURPOSE: To allow Spirit the full force of its rebellion against earth and its limits; to be humbled by the experience and to learn that surrender to fate brings grace and is more powerful than defiance.
Positive and expansive, Threes vibrate to the planet Jupiter, which rules SAGITTARIUS. Naturally adventuresome, they crave freedom. Their curiosity about life and their search for truth draws them to faraway places. Able to step back from almost any situation and take a wise, philosophical perspective, they don't sweat the small stuff. Being too positive has its downside; Threes attract people with mood swings or depression and it strains them to keep smiling even when it's not appropriate. Concerned with truth and justice, gifted with wit and humor, Threes need to feel a part of the larger picture. They have an aura of importance that attracts attention wherever they go. Upbeat and fun to be with, few people realize that Threes don't fit into the everyday mold. They live by their own rules. They're the Godfathers, the David Lettermans, the Marlon Brandos of the universe. The world adapts to their beliefs, not the other way around. This great, as long as they don't get arrested. Caught between rebellion and a desire to surrender, they're true loners who are tough to pin down. If it's a relationship you want from a Three, loyalty and trust come first; the rest will follow. Attracted to the underdog, they love to help someone who's down and out, particularly if that someone shows some spunk. They make great friends, and if you're lucky enough to know one, he's probably been a catalyst in your life. Their wit is their sword, so don't get into a verbal battle. You won't stand a chance. They make great writers, editors, gurus, lawyers, and judges. Threes need to allow themselves to explore the world, but shouldn't ignore their personal needs. Otherwise, they might find they have quite a journal, but no one to share it with when their hair turns gray.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: Here Spirit tries to get the soul to accomplish the impossible. It seeks out insurmountable obstacles and without experience and maturity, the soul will fail and lose faith in itself becoming stuck and feeling defeated. The trick here is for them to either pace themselves or learn to break these insurmountable obstacles into surmountable parts. Truth and justice make them feel righteous and judgmental. Add perseverance and stubbornness to the pot, and they're constantly repeating the same mistakes. They're either running into a brick wall or surrendering too early. When the collapse happens, they appear a victim or a lost soul. Without an impossible challenge they can neglect their bodies and lose interest in the world. Their favorite place to escape is through seeking adventure in faraway places. Natural vagabonds they roam from place to place, seeking something that this earth alone cannot provide.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: This is big sugar daddy, the rebel, and the know-it-all. They are witty, unique, and strong. They want to do things their way and they don't care how it affects anyone else. This comes from an inflated sense of power and position. Unable to take orders from anyone, they run into trouble with authority or the law. They are gifted with strong personal magnetism and the power to impart their beliefs into someone else. This makes them great leaders who are capable of convincing others that their way is the only path to take. Often generous, their magnanimous nature is really a lack of self-worth an their way of feeling important and superior to others. Without Spirit, and consciousness, there is little they won't do to achieve their goals. Listening is not their best quality, because they learn from experience and their ability to process all information through their own perceptions.
Four/Uranus (4, 13, 22, 31) Aquarius/Yang/Masculine
PURPOSE: To express your differences and individuality with confidence, knowing you can place yourself among others with strong opinions and respect their truths without compromising your own.
If you know a Four today, you may not recognize him tomorrow. Fours have the incredible ability to change their lives from black to white and back again. No boundary is too high when you leap over it, and that's what Fours, and the planet Uranus, the ruler of AQUARIUS, do so easily. Struggle is not a distant stranger. Before the leap of faith, Fours are wrought with tension and restraint. With no other choice, they overcome all odds. Able to handle several ideas, projects, or beliefs at one time. Fours are quick-minded and capable of assimilating a myriad of different facts. Unique to a fault, they insist on doing everything their way, and their way seldom resembles the accepted norm. Stable and persistent they get things done, but they're hard to pin down. A Four's mission is to break fee, so commitments are a challenge. Fours need to be around friends or with organizations that represent their own ideals. When the sword of justice rules they can be cold and detached, unlike the warm humanitarian many are seen as. Fairness is important to Fours; somewhere in their lives, they've experienced injustice. They struggle to manifest their hopes and dreams, and to help others become strong, independent individuals. When they're sure of themselves, there is no one like them, not in their humor, their style, or ability to effect change. Don't be misled by their sociability. They're stubborn and persistent, particularly when their truth is challenged Their gift is their diversity, and their ability to act in harmony with the moment without losing sight of their goals. They can separate what they don't like and bond with what they do. This allows them to accept everyone. They are the champions of the outcasts of society and support and fight for those who are viewed as unacceptable to the collective values.
IF SPIRT TAKES THE LEAD: Too much Spirit her creates a constant fight for equality and justice. As visionaries, they sacrifice the intimate things of life - family, friends, and relationships - for the larger issue. Their minds rule their lives and work so quickly that relationships suffer. They're constantly restless and never in the same place for long. Incredibly stubborn when their principles are at stake, they only listen to the beat of their own drum. The need for structure and inner discipline is important. Without a proper dose of Ego and the practical world, they will continue to chase rainbows seeking change for its own sake and following empty dreams.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: These are rigid, unyielding, loners who have all the answers and give them to others whether they're interested or not. They are tough, distant, unique, calculating, sometimes even cruel. Capable of genius, they feel superior to everyone and choose not to belong to anything that is accepted or commonplace. Their judgment and choices suffer because they have not yet learned how to surrender their reason to their heart. Compromise is not a possibility - no matter what the cost. The only way that life gets their attention is through crisis, and crisis follows them everywhere. It's the tension they like, they seek it unconsciously hoping to resolve opposing forces through their own energy. The danger is that they will promote self-destruction rather than resolve the problem, because they are attached to conflict and chaos. Once they learn how to transcend their personal needs, life will begin to return some of the things they have tried so greedily to grasp.
Five/Mercury (5, 14, 23) Gemini & Virgo/Yang & Yin/Masculine & Feminine
PURPOSE: To experiment and play with life and not lose sight of your intentions or your goals; to see the consequences of your choices and desires which begin the transition from earthly pleasures to the more lasting ones of the inner journey of Spirit.
The ruler of GEMINI and VIRGO, Mercury and Fives are the connectors - seekers and explorers of the world. Social, organized, and very busy, they know how to make everyone happy. Collectors of odd pieces of information, gossip, knowledge, and misfits, it's a Five you call when you need something no one else has. Their curiosity and ability to gather and explore makes the issue of intent very important. If they're not clear on what they are doing or why they are doing it, they can easily get caught in the web of their own intrigue. When this happens, their lives lack direction and they are overwhelmed with things to do and never feel as though they have accomplished anything. Natural actors, they play the varied roles of life with ease. Their curiosity keeps them young. Fives must learn to tune into their own intuitive nature or their world will always be filled with division and conflict. They need to learn to play and to have a good time. When they do, they're the life of any party,, and the worries and responsibilities that usually hold them back take on a different perspective. If the Virgo Five is dominant, stubbornness and determination are high. The choice will be to pursue pleasure and desire or live a life of self-denial. Accepting their dark side or all of themselves is a necessity. Control is an issue and so it the need to help others. These are the hard workers of the world, and they can accomplish great things when they don't let the details of their lives keep them from their greater goals. Their minds never stop analyzing, exploring, and inventing, which gives them a penchant for worry and restlessness. Their challenge is to make a choice without exploring every option. This requires faith in themselves and a clear idea of their priorities. Once a path is chosen, one must accept responsibility and move forward leaving behind the safety and security of the "known."
IF SPIRT TAKES THE LEAD: When Spirit and a Five get out of alignment, there is too much to do and not enough time in which to do it. They are versatile to a fault. Gifted with organizational skills, they are driven to make perfect whatever exists around them, including anyone who gets in their way. Idealistic, they don't conentrate enough on their own mission of purification, instead they try and improve the lives of others. This creates stress, anxiety, and worry because nothing is ever perfect, and somebody always refuses to be happy. They may be so idealistic that they attract their opposite - liars or unreliable people. Of course, this can affect their health. So, if Spirit rules their world, they must acknowledge their own path as their primary goal. When they face their fears, and accept all of themselves, then they are on their way to a healthy and happy life.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: Selfishness is a problem here. It's "me first" and whatever they get is never enough. They have incredible appetities for sex, pleasure and work. They can be humorous, clever and manipulative. All those demons they haven't faced have power and can be attractive to a pure heart who has denied the dark side of itself. Their lack of scruples and morals makes them untrustworthy and dangerous. They can work like a maniac and are great at finance. Without conscience, they lie easily and can make the tough decisions - the ones that favor financial rewards over the heart. Without the ability to give, their worlds will become more and more empty and they will live their lives isolated and alone.
Six/Venus (6, 15, 24) Taurus/Libra/Yin & Yang/Feminine & Masculine
PURPOSE: To develop your truth, your identity, and the moral boundaries of your inner world so that you will not identify solely with your own thoughts and actions and believe that the mask you wear for your protection is the whole truth.
The beautiful face of Venus reflects the number Six. Ruler of TAURUS and LIBRA, a Six is romantic, gracious, charming, loving, and excessive. You like them. It doesn't matter if you disagree with their politics or point of view. Sixes enter where others cannot tread. When you don't make waves, it's easy to mask your real purpose. It's easy to get things done. They're adaptable and flexible, but unyielding when it comes to truth. Faith and love come easy to these souls, so don't misjudge their strength. Gifted with concentration, they hav unique and inventive minds that are always evolving and seeking to unify people places, and things. They attract whatever they need and seldom have to reach for anything. Natural psychologists, they know what makes others tick. Their challenge is to not become their whole truth. To do this they must develop a value system and be able to set boundaries by saying no. Sixes have a special destiny. They are headed for a fall. They have to change a perspective and let go of a strong attachment, sometning that is holding them back from growing. Remember, Six rules desire, and desire led to the fall of Adam and Eve. The less attached you are to something, the less of a crisis you will encounter when it is threatened. Sixes must learn to balance their desire for financial security with a little faith in themselves and the universe.
IF SPRIT TAKES THE LEAD: Unconditional love is the problem here. With Spirit strong the only thing that matters is the heart. They yearn for ove and a desire to connect with others. This creates a lack of discipline, destroys discrimination, and feeds an obsessive nature. Addiction can be a problem because they have not yet formed a clear identity and a strong moral code. Without these protections and boundaries they wil be attracted to others who are strong and well-defined, to relationships that provide the limitations that they themselves should self impose. Separationis an issue, they fear the abandonment of loe. It's time to leave the warmth of the mother and become their own person. Their idealism and perfectionistic nature makes sel-acceptance difficult, but necessary. Discipline is the key, with it they begin to blossom.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: Ego makes these Sixes self-absorbed, seductive, and manipulative. They know how to use love, deceit, and kindness to get their way. They don't have faith or a conscience, so lying is easy and so is using truth to their advantage. Their nature is obsessive, so addictions can be a problem. Ruled by their senses, this makes them impatient, impulsive, lazy, and self-indulgent. Separation from love and their addictions will eventually occur and when it does the soul may find itself in a crisis. If they start learning about themselves, their limitations and their talents and then reach out and help someone else, they will begin to experience a pleasure that is more lastig than all the others they sought and quickly lost.
Seven/Neptune (7, 16, 25) Pisces/Yin/Feminine
PURPOSE: To take the place you have earned in the spiritual world through your dedication to truth and justice. Your personal purpose must surrender to a higher cause, for it is the last thread that binds you to the mundane world.
Like Greta Garbo, a Seven needs to be alone to be successful. Companion to Neptune, the ruler of PISCES, Sevens are often misunderstood. Perfectionists by nature, they strive for what can never be and so divine discontent is part of their nature. So is making quick, decisive judgments in order to eliminate chaos and uncertainty which they hate. This is linked to their need to be in control. Relationships offer them solace and insight into their complicated nature, but they'll settle for nothing less than a soul mate. Not an easy quest, even for a magical number. They believe in love and they long to surrender to something larger and greater than themselves. This makes them idealistic and prone to being deceived. But they have good, analytical qualities, and they process their experiences from within. Being alone is okay; in fact, it' necessary for their growth. Their spiritual, idealistic inclination is both their strength and their weakness. It helps them overcome great odds, but keeps them from being realistic and in-the-now. Sevens need to believe in a cause, an idea, or have a spiritual faith in order to feel secure. Driven by a desire to do something to make the world a better place, they easily attract others who are needy and depend on them too much. They must set boundaries and learn how to say "no," otherwise they can become victims. Their mission is to be in the moment, be able to adjust their truth to its demands with confidence and faith in themselves and their destiny. Their special gift is their ability to communicate without words and bond with others who have trouble expressing themselves. They are loners and both a link and a chasm in mathematical equations. Sevens should stop worrying about where they are now: with a click of their sequined slippers they can be transported to the clouds and back again. Once they learn to seek their answers from within, they'll know that different choices merely reflect the two sides of the same coin.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: Too much Spirit for Sevens spells real trouble. Without Ego and its ability to create sperarateness, they are very easily hurt and vulnerable to abuse. Self-deception is common when idealism is high and reality is missing. They are subject to destructive religious fervor and other fanatical ideas or pursuits. Being the victim, surrendering to others unworthy of their gift, and not taking responsibility for their life, are all major problems for them. They shouldn't expect someone else to resue them; instead, they should take charge of their life. This is their responsibility. Their loose grasp of reality requires life to kick them in order to get their attention. The challenge is to come down off the clouds and manifest the love they see within themselves.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: A strong Ego and the Seven creates a master of deception and a dictator, one with little or no conscience. These souls live a double life. They are, for example, the upstanding citizen who builds churches with money earned from the sale of drugs. Control is an issue. They want it at all cost. Seven is the number of dreams and fantasies and they use others' dreams and fantasies to get their way. They are a master of illusion and could be a great creator, inventor or magician. They struggle with escape issues such as drugs, alcohol, almost anything addictive. As someone who uses his creative gift to advance in the world reagardless of the consequences to others, they need to be careful of the law. Remember, Seven is the number of institutions, the kind with bars. It's a shame to waste such great gifts on fleeting rewards. Their success could be everlasting if they used it for the good of others.
Eight/Saturn (8, 17, 26) Capricorn/Yin/Feminine
PURPOSE: To receive the rewards from your journey. Spirit gives you respect and reputation. Ego gives you a position in the world. Both are based on how you have behaved in the pursuit of your desires and goals.
Eight is the only closed number. (It is comprised of two complete circles.) Eight has the challenging position of vibrating to Saturn, the ruler of CAPRICORN. Eights are powerful people, but very self-contained. You just don't reach an Eight without his consent. Eights are masters of their world, however limited or grand. They lack spontaneity and trust, believing only in what they know and can control. Eight is the number of fate and these people know they must accept the hand that life has dealt them. After all, life is nothing more than the consequences of their choices and actions. Grace is possible once they learn to trust their instincts and rely on their heart as the center of their soul. Balance between faith and reality, between intuition and reason, between Ego and Spirit is the challenge of the Eight. This is the sign of the process, of taking things one step at a time. The reward is in the work, not the paycheck at the end of the week. So please make sure you do work that you love, then your reward will manifest in both worlds - the spiritual and the physical. You'll get a paycheck and a good reputation for doing your job well. When Eights put their minds to it, they are successful at whatever they do. But they crystallize too easily and need someone to help keep them fluid. They tend to base their value systems on the opinions and expectations of others, which makes them seem judgmental and critical. They have a keen eye for what's not working: scrutiny is their gift and their demise. Their challenge is to trust their instincts and believe in themselves, despite the disapproval they are sure to attract. They must act from their heart, and listen to their soul, forget their self-consciousness. If that means jumping into the water they should hold their noses and take the plunge. No one knows how to swim better than they do.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: When Spirit leads, the Eight is an idealist. Their goals ar high and there is nothing they can't do. That's on a good day. The rest of the time, they battle dark moods and depression. Suddenly, anything is much too much to ask. They're perfectionists and extremely hard on themselves. They're always pushing to do more, work harder, and be better. The end never seems to be in sight. Responsibility is not balanced. They tend to pay too much attention to details, and not enough to others. They need to learn to pace themselves and then they'll live longer. Trust is an issue and so is the need to accept life exactly the way it is. That includes oneslf. When they can rely on instinct and love then the transforming power of love will do the work, they won't have to.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: If Ego is leading, the soul wont get far. Ego needs to be in control and that means its world is small, smaller than it has to be. Tough, persistent, domineering, and critical, the Eight, ruled by Ego, is not a happy camper. They live lives that are tough, cold, hard, and sometimes, cruel. Spirit is needed here, the ability to let go and soar over obstacles. It's almost impossible to grow when you reject expansion. Their focus is inward, they need to be in control, and so they become isolated. They hate repetition, but when you don't grow, what else is there? The side effect of repetition is ulcers, tension, and high bloood pressure. They need to learn to risk themselves and open up. It's amazing how much fun one can have if one lets go and responds to life, living in the moment.
Nine/Mars (9, 18, 27) Aries/Yang/Masculine
PURPOSE: To formulate a point of view that encompasses both your spiritual and worldly desires in a vision, to protect and advance toward that vision by conquering or discarding whatever you encounter on your path.
A Nine runs the race with Mars, the ruler of ARIES, but it doesn't matter who wins. Nines are competing with themselvs. Nines constantly test themselves. They are assertive and masculine and, yes, very sexy. Their mission is to conquer; but once they do they lose interest. Action is their law, and there is no greater crime than doing nothing. Athletic, adventuresome, constantly on the move, a Nine seldom reflects, processes, or waits. They're impulsive, heroic, and self-oriented. Once they have a direction or a vision, they are fearless and unrelenting in its pursuit. They're leaders and innovators, capable of doing almost anything they set their minds to. Eager to make their mark and secure a place in the world, they're ready to fight for what they want. If a Nine is coming your way, step aside, unless your're ready to go to war. The more difficult the obstacle, the more enthusiasm they exhibit. Their style is direct and honest; often they appear insensitive. They strive for perfection, but all their answers are gotten from within. Don't bother giving them advice; they need to burn their finger in the fire in order to know it's hot. As they are able to dominate their chosen field with their personal sense and panache, you must never underestimate their power and their need to be the best. Multitalented, they often have trouble deciding on one path or goal. They have a gentle side and, yes, lots of love and compassion. They know how to motivate others and bring out the best in souls with less courage than theirs. On the downside, they tend to overdo everything, they're obsessive, and their bodies take great beatings because they never stop. Without the ability for self-control, they can crash right into obstacles instead of leaping over them. Remember, if you run a red light often emough, sooner or later you're bound to hit a truck. Nines should keep their accident insurance current and learn to meditate.
IF SPIRIT TAKES THE LEAD: If Spirit is strong, the Nine could be an evangelist, a mystic or a missionary. They know there is a higher power, and they want the rest of the world to know it, too. But that's their problem - they insist on things being their way. They believe they know better, and perhaps they do, but everyone must make his own mistakes. They are generous, loving, and loyal and when they give of themselves, they give all. In fact, they might find themselves lost in someone else's world. The only way to get their identitiy back is by leaving. Is it possible to put on the brakes? Sure, but they have to want to. They're obsessive, and addiction could be a problem, particularly of the religious kind. Their body needs care. It's the temple of their soul, and its endurance level is not as high as their Spirit.
IF EGO TAKES THE LEAD: If Ego is strong, so are the issues of power, control, passion, and instant gratification. The Nine wants everything, and they want it now. Without a conscience, they could be dictatorial, cruel and domineering. They are definitely selfish and egocentric. They only hang out with others who think they're wonderful, or who are too passive to tell them the truth. They get their way by being a bully, or by using their incredible powers of persuasion. They need to become less concerned with their own needs and reach out to another human being. When this happens, their perspective will change, and so will their life.
"The Day You Were Born" by: Linda Joyce
-a journey to wholeness through Astrology and Numerology
-you will discover the key to: your true life's path.
your hidden talents.
the unique challenges you must meet.
balance and creativity.
understanding friends and family.
creating the life you really want.