Sagittrius is a fire sign and occupies itself with the mind and is symbolized by the bow and arrow.
Keyword: sage, counselor
Mental Characteristics: candid, impulsively, curious
Physical Characteristics: elongation of the body, including legs, nose and head, full lips, a high forehead, and an inclination to stoop.
Emotional Characteristics: amiable, idealistic, sincere, daring, zealous, buoyant, speculative, impersonal, impatient, and self-indulgent.
Anatomy: thighs, hips, sciatic nerves (in the pelvis and thighs), and the base of the spine.
Illnesses: accidents, rheumatism, dislocations of hips and jonts, and restlessness.
Occupations: sportsman, foreign traveler, prophet, publishing, lawyers, metaphysicians, horse trainers and riders, ministers, pilosophers, and walkers.
Colors: purple, deep blue
Gems and Semiprecious Stones: turquoise, amethyst, carbuncle
Planetary Ruler: Jupiter, the uplifter, idealizer and preserver. Jupiter is sometimes symbolized by the eagle.
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